1 Corinthians 7:29-31
mean, siblings,
the appointed
time has grown short;
from now on,
let even those who are married be
as though
they were not,
those who mourn
as though they were not mourning,
those who rejoice
as though they were not rejoicing,
those who buy
as though they had no possessions,
those who deal with the world
as though they had no dealings with it.
For the present form of this world is
passing away.Queeries for the text:
How short is the time? An inch? A foot? A minute? A mile?
How do you act as though you weren't married? No sex? Lots of sex? Move out? Break family ties? Give back the wedding presents?
Does Paul want us to live into our truer selves with respect to consensual sexual desires and forego the pressure the dominant culture places on what counts as "appropriate"?
If we can't mourn or rejoice, how should we feel?
How do you act as if you have no possessions?
How do you not deal with this world?
What is it about the present form that is passing away?
Is the old form done yet?
Can we burn it all down now?
What are your queeries?
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